

Sunday, August 25, 2019

August 25, 2019



                            SOME BEST TIPS FOR YOUR GOOD HEALTH

                    A healthy diet has been scientifically proven to provide numerous health benefits, such as reducing your risk of several chronic diseases and keeping your body healthy However making major changes to your diet can sometimes seem very overwhelming. Instead of making big changes it may be better to start with a few smaller ones. This article discusses some small changes that can make a regullar diet a little bit healthier.  



                This is a cardinal rule. Eat breakfast every day otherwise your body will tap into lean muscle stores for energy. Besides breakfast revs up metabolism and jumpstarts your brain. And no a cup of coffee is not breakfast caffeine may give you artificial energy temporarily but that does nothing to stop the eating away of your lean muscle  stores.The ideal breakfast should have a mix of protein carbohydrates healthy fats fiber. A fruit , egg, white omelet and whole wheat toast or bowl of muesli with almonds and fruit is the best way to start your day.


             The mediterranean diet  is and excellent diet that has been thoroughly studied. It is particularly effective for heart disease prevention it emphasizes foods that were commonly eaten around the mediterranean region during the 20th century and earlier. As such it includes plenty of vegetables, fruits, fish, poultry, whole grains, legumes dairy products and extra virgin olive oil.


                     Deciding what to have for dinner can be a constant cause of frustration which is why many people tend to use the same recipes again and again Chances are you have been cooking the same recipes on autopilot for years. Whether these are healthy or unhealthy recipes it s always healthy to try something new Aim to try making a new healthy recipe at least once per week. This can change up your food and nutrient intakes and hopefully add new and healthy recipes to your alternatively try to make a healthier version of a favorite recipe.


                   Of course we all love the occasional bowl of noodles or burger but eating the least processed forms of food will control your blood sugar stabilize energy levels and fill you up faster like bread Look for a brand with at least three grans of fiber Avoid anything that says enriched because it means it s so processed that nutrients have been artificially added in While choosing fruits and vegetables at the market fresh or fresh frozen are ideal Forgo pre made calorie dense dry fruit mixes and instead buy whole almond pistachios walnuts and pumpkin seeds and make your own mix. Even freshly propped popcorn is a wholesome snack as long as you dont add butter or cheese. 

                  Pick up any ready to eat food item in the supermarket. Now try and read the ingredients out loud. If you stutter over half of them put the box down right away. Cut out overly processed chemically engineered foods and head straight to the real food aisles. Stock up on brown rice veggies, fruits, yogurt, nuts and other whole foods.

health tips


                 Fat is not a bad word. In fact its critical for good health. It is a powerhouse of nutrients, regulates blood sugar and releases antioxidants for cellular repair of joints, skin and hair what you should avoid are engineered fats Stop feeling guilty about have unsaturated fats that stay liquid at room temperature. These include olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil, flaxseed oil and fish oil. Eat a handful of nuts every day. Add them to your cereal or just enjoy them as a snack mid-morning.


            Potatoes are very filling and a common side to many dishes that said the method in which they are prepared largely determines their health effects For starters 100 grames of baked potatoes contain 94 calories while the same amount of French fries contains over three times as many or 319 calories Furthermore deep fried French fries generally contain harmful compounds such as aldehyde and trans fats Replacing your French fries with baked or boiled potatoes is a great way to shave off calories and avoid these harmful compounds.


          So called diet food can be very deceiving They have usually had their fat content reduced dramatically and are often labeled fat free, low fat, fat reduced  or low calorie However to compensate for e lost flavor and texture that the fat  provided sugar and other ingredients often added.


          Forget the recommended dairy five make it a daily ten instead. Unfortunately the way we consume our veggies over cooked, fried and mushed up makes it a poor nutritional choice. Mentally divide your plate into two. One half should be the amount of vegetables you should eat with every meal. The more colorful the veggie or fruit the higher its fiber and nutrient densities. Have your fill of red yellow and green peppers, carrots and green beans. Eat a bowl of salad every day. Mix up baby spinach, lettuce, cucumbers and tomatoes and add a dash of olive oil to get your quota of daily goodness.

good sleep


          The importance of good sleep cannot be overstated. sleep deprivation disrupts appetite regulation, often leading to increased appetite which results in increased calorie intake and weight gain in fact people who sleep too little tend to weigh significantly more than those who get enough sleep Being sleep deprived also negatively affects concentration productivity athletic performance glucose metabolism and immune function What is more it increases your risk of several diseases including inflammatory diseases and heart disease Therefore it is important to try to get adequate amounts of good quality sleep preferably in one about

Sunday, August 18, 2019

August 18, 2019


        हार्ट अटैक कभी भी आ सकता है लेकिन कुश लक्षण है जो कम से कम इक महीना पहले दिखाए देने लगते है अगर आपको भी इनमे से कोई लक्षण आपके शरीर में लगता है तो  अभी से सावधान हो जाइये क्योकि हार्ट अटैक आ सकता है लोगो की यह मानसिकता बन चुकी है के हार्ट अटैक केवल मर्दो को ही होता है लेकिन यह गलत है मेहलाओ को जब पीरियड  आना बंद हो जाता है तो इसके इलावा अनुमान लगाया है के मेहलाओ की जान ब्रैस्ट कैंसर की जगह हार्ट अटैक से जियादा जाती है पीरियड बंद होने पर भी हार्ट अटैक की संभावना बढ़ जाती है 

      कभी कभी दिल के दोरे  पहचाना मुश्किल होता है आप को पता होता है कुश गलत हो रहा है लेकिन आप स्पष्ट रूप से नहीं कह सकते शुगर के पेशेंट और बजुर्गो को हार्ट अटैक बिना दर्द के ही आ जाता है। 


1 सीने में असहजता 

           यह दिल के दौरे के लिए जिमेदार लक्षणों में से इक है सीने में होने वाली किसी भी प्रकार की असहजता आपको दिल के दोरे का शिकार बना सकती है खास तोर पे सीने में जान या दबाव महसूस होना इसके इलावा भी अगर आपको सीने कुश भी भारी पन महसूस हो तो तरुंत आपने डॉक्टर से सम्पर्क करे। 

2 थकान 

          बगैर किसी मिहनत या काम के थकान होना भी हार्ट अटैक की दस्तक हो सकती है जब दिल की धमनियों में कोलोस्ट्रोल के कारन बंद हो जाती है या सकुंचित हो जाती है तो तब दिल को अधिक मिहनत करने की जरूरत होती है जिस से जल्द ही थकान होने लगती है ऐसी स्थिति में कई बार रात को अशी नीदं लेने के बाद भी सुबह आप आलस और थकान महसूस करते है आप को दिन में आराम की जरूरत महसूस होती है। 

3 सूजन 

            जब दिल को शरीर के सभी अंदरूनी अंगो में ब्लड सर्किल बनाये रखने के लिए अधिक मिहनत करनी पड़ती है तो तो शिराये फूल जाती है और उनमे सूजन आने की सम्भावना बढ़ जाती है उसका असर खास तोर से पैर के पंजे टखने और अन्य हिस्सों में सूजन के रूप में नजर आने लगते है इसके इलावा कभी कभी होंठ की सतह भी  नीली पड़ सकती है। 

4 सर्दी का बना रहना 

           लम्बे समय तक सर्दी या इस से मिलते जुलते लक्षण अगर लगातार बने रहते है तो यह दिल के दौरे की और इशारा करते है जब हार्ट कमजोर हो जाता है और उसे रकत संचार में जियादा मिहनत करनी पड़ती है तो तब रकत के फेफड़ो में स्ववित्त होने की सम्भावना बढ़ जाती है इसी कारन सर्दी में बलगम वगैरा जियादा हो जाती है। 

5 चक्कर आना 

        जब आपका दिल जियादा उम्र की वजह से या गलत खान पान के कारन कमजोर हो जाता है तो उसको रकत संचार करने में जियादा मिहनत करनी पड़ती है इस कारन दिमाग को जरूरत अनुसार ऑक्सीजन नहीं मिल पाती जिससे लगातार चक्कर आना सर भारी सा रहना जैसी मुश्किलों का सहमना करना पड़ सकता है यह हार्ट अटैक के लिए इक गंभीर लक्षण है। 

6 साँस लेने में दिकत 

        इसके इलावा अगर आपको साँस लेने में कोई भी दिकत आ रही है या आपको किसी प्रकार कोई अलग तरह का महसूस होता है तो यह भी हार्ट अटैक के लक्षण में से इक है दिल कमजोर होने पर फेफड़ो को सही मात्रा में ऑक्सीजन नहीं मिल पाती इस वजह से साँस लेने में दिकत होती है अगर आपके साथ भी ऐसा ही कुश हो रहा है तो जरूर और जल्द डॉक्टर को चेक कराये। 

मेहलाओ में लक्षण 

हार्ट अटैक 

7 जबड़े में दर्द 

             यदि आपको जबड़े में दर्द है तो इसका कारन भी हार्ट अटैक आ सकता है क्योकि इसके पास जो नसे होती है वो आपके दी से निकलती है यदि दर्द बना रहे तो आपको दांतो की परेशानी है यदि यह थोड़ी थोड़ी देर में होता रहता है और  यदि आप  थक जाते है तो और यह दर्द बढ़ जाता है तो यह दिल से संभात है। 

8 दिन भर पसीना 

        बिना कारन और अचानक पसीना आना भी दिल की समस्या का कारन बन सकता है गलत खान पीन से हमारे दिल की धमनिया ब्लॉक हो जाती है और उसकी वजह से दिल को जियादा मिहनत करनी पड़ती है इस लिए शरीर का तापमान काम रखने के लिए शरीर को पसीना आता है इसके इलावा अगर आपको ठंडा पसीना आता है या चिपचिपा पन लगता है तो डॉक्टर को चेक कराये। 

9 शरीर के ऊपरी हिसे में बेचैनी 

     मेहलाओ में हार्ट अटैक की समस्या होने पर शरीर के ऊपरी हिसे में बेचैनी रहने लगती है जबड़े कान और गर्दन में और कंधे में दर्द का अहसास होता है यह दर्द जबड़े से शुरू होकर अक्सर कान तक चला जाता है कभी कभी यह दर्द बढ़कर कंधे तक भी चला जाता है और साथ ही पीठ दर्द भी होने लगता है जिसमे गर्दन और पेशे की मासपेशिया खींच जाती है। 

10 पेट में दर्द 

      कभी कभी मेहलाओ को पेट में अजीब तरह का दबाव महसूस होता है यह भी दिल की बीमारी का इक संकेत है ऐसे किसी भी प्रकार के पेट दर्द जो अचानक या ज्यादा हो तो डॉक्टर से सलाह लेनी चहिये। 

      हार्ट अटैक पीरत मेहलाओ को मदद मांगने और हॉस्पिटल जाने के लिए पुरषो के मुकाबले अधिक समय लगता है इस लिए यदि आप किसी भी प्रकार का नया या गंभीर लक्षण महसूस करे तो डॉक्टर  सलाह ले मेहलाओ को चहिये के वो आपने  परिवार  की सिहत के साथ साथ आपने ख्याल भी जरूर रखे क्योकि आपके परिवार को आपकी जियादा जरूरत है अगर आप तंदरुस्त रहेगी तभी परिवार की देखभाल अशे से कर पायेगी 

Saturday, August 17, 2019

August 17, 2019


              This would enrich society, and help in the growth and development of the country. Behind every successful man there is a women. All great men in their autobiographies have acknowledged this fact.Indeed it is inconceivable to deny them equal rights in the society. After all they are  also human beings, endowed with the same mental, emotional and physical faculties possessed by men. This realisation dawned on us after two centuries of revolutionary social and political struggle. Great revolutionaries like Voltaire, Karl Mark and our own Mahatma Gandhi inspired the masses with their ideology of freedom, justice and equality. Their ideology paved the way for a more equitable and socially benevolent political order eventually leading to democracy. Under this political dispensation, equal right including the right to adult franchise was guaranteed to all irrespective of sex, religion, caste or creed. Thus in this age of enlightenment to deny equal right to women would be like adopting and ostrich like approach, oblivious of the present realities and their contribution to society.


                Women today play a complementary and important role in the life of man. Nature has gifted them with special attributes, so that the human race would continue to grow and prosper. Thus while men have been endowed with virile strength women are endowed with humane sensibilities and emotion like love, compassion, and caring. These are extremely vital for the upbringing of the future generation, who are the hope of tomorrow. They are the fulcrums around which the family and our lives revolve.Thus as a wife, mother or sister they play and indispensable part in the life of men 

                      Intellectually they have also time and again shown, that they are second to none. A cursory glance at the high school or secondary school results, confirm a higher pass our percentage of girls and boys. They are thus blessed with the same or even better mental and intellectual power than men. We today find more and more women. working shoulder to shoulder with their male counterparts. They are even venturing into new fields that were till recently considered to be the exclusive domain of males, like aviation, defence and even space.


                        Their contribution in the field of education and healthcare is a well acknowledged fact "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world" Thus as a mother , she inculcates spiritual and moral values in the child. Outside home she mould the destiny of the children as teacher, counselor and guide. As doctors nurses or a social worker, she provides health care facilities to the community.Their contributions are indeed invaluable for the well being growth and economic development of Society and the country.

                        Quantitatively too they comprise about fifty percent of the human poulation and also contribute the same percentage to the GDP of the country. Taking note of their invaluable contribution, the developed and developing countries have accorded women their rightful place in society, by giving them equal rights in all respects. Thus they not only have the right to vote, but also have the same right to property, education and work, as enjoyed by men. This has resulted in their emancipation, and consequently a renaissance in the society, making it more progressive and modern. On the contrary, countries which have denied equal rights to them continue to bebackward in all spheres, including technological and social. We therefore find women in most Muslim countries suffering from oppressive customs like purdah and polygamy, with no right to vote or inheritance.


                           Undoubtedly, men and women should have equal rights in all respects . The need of the hour is not to question this reality but to devise ways and means to ameliorate their lot. We should provide them proper educational and vocational facilities, so that they can grow and develop to their optimum potential. Thus would enrich the society and lead to greater growth and development of the country       

Thursday, August 15, 2019

August 15, 2019


                The dawn of the new millennium has thrown up a plethora of new career opportunities that were hitherto unknown. They have made the task of choosing a career for the youth more confusing and perplexing. The decision at times is fraught with suspense and anxiety, similar to that we see in a gambler, who with trembling solitude throws his dice. This is indeed the most unprofessional way of taking such a vital decision, that has a direct bearing on our lives.  


       Fortunately for us there are vast avenues for getting career information, through Newspaper,Electronic media and the Internet. There are an equally large number of career options to choose from. For instance in the field of information Technology,we have new career option in the field of E-Commerce as Web designers, administrators and developers. In science we have such new fields. Like Biotechnology, Environmental Science, Genetic Engineering etc. These careers are in addition to be traditional options of doctor, lawyer, engineer and a teacher.

                   There is however no cause for despair, for there are some basic cardinal principles that we must bear in mind while exercising our choice. The first and foremost being, that we must objectively identify our strength and weaknesses, likes and dislikes and inborn propensities. Keeping this in mind, we should identify the careers that are best suited with respect to our disposition. It is very common to find young people enamoured by the glamour and razzmatazz of a particular profession opting for it. Only to have their dream shattered, on discovering that it does not suit them temperamentally. They thus end up highly dissatisfied and frustrated. We therefore see youth taking to the legal profession on being infatuated by and eminent lawyer. After spending considerable time and money when they set up a practice they discover that it is not only oratory skills,but also  a sharp and incisive mind that is essential for a roaring practice.They thus end up as failures and settle for anything to keep their body and soul together. The reason for their plight was, their decision being made on purely extraneous and illogical factors. 


                We should also give due weightage to the views of our parents, friends and peer groups.Our parents and peers can guide us by their experience. It is important that they render their advice objectively and dispassionately. It has sometimes been observed that the youth takes up a career, bowing to the wishes of his parents. Thus we see the son of an eminent doctor,taking to the medical profession just to please his father. He may become a doctor,but in the absence of aptitude and inclination, he can never achieve his father s eminence.

               As they say 'well begun is half done' for if we have taken the right option we shall work more assiduously for realizing our dream. It does not matter if we do not get admission into the best of institutions, what matters is hat after getting the requisite qualification, we excel in the field which is closest to our heart. We must remember the words of H.W long fellow when he says "Life s battle don't always go to the stronger and the fastest man. But soon or late the man who wins is the man who thinks he can.

August 15, 2019


         जुकाम  और खांसी की समस्या हर मौसम में होती है और जियादातर जब मौसम बदलता है तो फिर तो यह समस्या काफी बड़ जाती है जुकाम खांसी से बचे बहुत जल्दी प्रभावित होते है क्योकि उनकी अंदरूनी शक्ति बड़ो के मुकाबले काफी कम होती है और वो जल्दी इसकी चपेट में आ जाते है जुकाम का इलाज हम डॉक्टर की बजाये घर में भी आराम  से कर सकते बस आपको कुश बातो का ख्याल रखना जरूरी है में आपको कुश बढ़िया घरेलु इलाज बता रहा जो आजमाए हुए है और इनसे बहुत जल्दी जुकाम ठीक हो जाता है। 


1 हल्दी 

           बंद नाक और गले की खराश से भी आराम मिलता है जुकाम और खांसी होने पर इक चमच हल्दी गरम दूध में डाल कर अशी तरह मिला कर पीने से बहुत फायदा होता है।  और हल्दी जुकाम के इलावा और भी किसी किसम की इन्फेक्शन के लिए भी बहुत बढ़िया मेडिसिजुकाम और खांसी के बचाव के लिए हल्दी बहुत ही बढ़िया मेडिसिन है और यह हमारे सभी के घर में ही होती है इससेन का काम करती है।   

2  तुलसी 

             तुलसी आम जुकाम और खांसी के लिए बहुत ही बढ़िया कुदरती देन है तुलसी ठण्ड के दिनों में तो रामबाण है आप तुलसी की पांच पति ले और पानी में अशी तरह से उबाल कर काढ़ा  बना ले और इसको गुनगुना सा पीने से जुम औकार खांसी में तरुंत फायदा होता है और इससे शरीर में रिफ्रेशमेंट भी बहुत आती है। 

3 अदरक 

                सर्दी और जुकाम में अदरक बहुत फायदे मंद होता है इसका स्वाद भी बहुत ही बढ़िया होता है और इसमें काफी मात्रा में विटामिन और प्रोटीन भी होते है। अदरक वाली चाह पीने से जुकाम में तरुंत आराम होता है और अगर आप अदरक के रस को शहद में मिला कर पीते है तो यह सुखी खांसी और सर्दी में बहुत ही बढ़िया घरेलु इलाज है सर्दी में तो आप इसे रूटीन में पी सकते इसकी चाह बहुत स्वादिष्ट होती है। 

4 नींबू 

             इक गिलास  गरम पानी में इक निम्बु और शहद मिलाकर रात को सोते समय पीने से जुकाम को बहुत फायदा होता है यही निम्बू  और शहद गुनगने पानी में डालकर रूटीन में रात को सोते समय पीने से हार्ट अटैक की बीमारी के लिए बहुत फायदे मंद है। 

5 गरम पानी और नमक से गरारे    

              जुकाम और गला ख़राब हो तो गरम पानी में दो तीन चुटकी नमक मिलकर उसके गरारे करने से बहुत लाभ मिलता है इससे गला भी साफ होता और खांसी में काफी आराम मिलता है यह बहुत बढ़िया और कारगर नुस्खा है। 

6 शहद और ब्रांडी    

            ब्रांडी को अगर मेडिसिन के तौर पे लिया जाये तो यह बहुत बढ़िया मेडिसिन है सर्दी के लिए हमारे देश के नौजवान जो बर्फीली पहाड़ियों में अपनी ड्यूटी करते है उनको भी मेडिसिन के तौर पर बरांडी दी जाती है ता के वो सर्दी से बच सके और हमारे देश की सेवा और बढ़िया कर सके।  ब्रांडी में अगर शहद मिला कर रात को सोते समय लिया जाये और उसके बाद पानी वगैरा कुश न पिए तो इक दो दिन में यह जुकाम और सर्दी के लिए बहुत फायेमंद है कुश परिवार तो इसको बचो को सर्दी सर्दी रोजाना दे देते है इस कारन वो कभी बीमार नहीं परते है। 

7 लहुसन 

            लहुसन सर्दी जुकाम होने पर काफी मददगार साबित होता है लहुसन एंटी बैक्टीरियल, एंटी वायरल ,और एंटी फंगल,होता है  लहुसन की चार पांच कलियों को देसी घी में भूनकर खाने से जुकाम में आराम  मिलता है ऐसा इक दो दिन छोड़ कर दुबारा करे और ये सरे वायरल को दूर कर देता है। 

8 अजवायन 

              अगर सर्दी की वजह से बुखार जैसा लग रहा हो तो या शरीर टूट रहा है तो इक चमच अजवायन को दो गिलास पानी में उबाले जब यह इक कप रह जाये तो इसमें थोड़ा गुड़ डालदे फिर इसको थोड़ा और उबाल ले और इसको पीने से आपको बहुत फायदा होगा। 

9 दालचीनी और जायफल 

              दालचीनी और जायफल को बराबर मात्रा में पीस कर रख ले और इसको थोड़ी थोड़ी मात्रा में सुबह शाम शहद के साथ चाटने से सर्दी और जुकाम में फायदा होता है। इक चमच प्याज के रस में शहद मिलकर चाटने से भी सर्दी और जुकाम से रहत मिलती है। 

10 कपूर 

              बंद नाक को खोलने के लिए कपूर बहुत ही फायदे मंद है इसके लिए कपूर की टिक्की को किसी रुमाल में रखकर थोड़ी थोड़ी देर बाद सूघने से बंद नाक खुल जाता है। 

11 सरसो का तेल 

              जिनको रूटीन में जुकाम लगता रहता है और मेडिसिन लेने के बावजूद भी ठीक नहीं होता उनके लिए इक बढ़िया फार्मूला रात को सोते समय सरसो का तेल या देसी गाये का देसी घी की दो तीन बूंदे नाक में डाले यह इक दो दिन मुश्किल लगेगा लेकिन यह बहुत बढ़िया और कारगर इलाज है इससे हमारे नसों को खुश्की दूर होती है और जो शीके या जुकाम लगता है वो बिलकुल ठीक हो जाता है। 

यह मैंने आपको जुकाम और सर्दी के लिए काफी बढ़िया टिप्स बताये है इसमें से जो भी आपको आशा या आसान लगे आप उसको आजमा कर देखे और जुकाम से छुटकारा पाए यह टिप्स काफी कारगर है और लगभग फ्री जैसे है कोई खर्चा भी नहीं है। 

Saturday, August 10, 2019

August 10, 2019


 Introduction--What is fashion.

 Role of fashion in our life.

 Advantage of fashion.

 Disadvantages  of fashion.

 Need to strike the right balance. 

 Conclusion--Adds flavour to our lives.

what is fashion,essay for all students

                   Fashion as described in the English dictionary is "the prevailing mode in such things as are subject to change in form of a style, as in ornaments, etiquette and especially in dress. This age is the age of fashion which is not only confined to our dress, but also in the way we speak behave decorate our houses and our lifestyle in general. So enamoured are we by the Me Too concept that we adopt it, irrespective of whether it goes with out personality or not.

                       In a way it lends variety to our lives, providing and element of excitement in trying out something new. It would indeed be a drab life, if we all were supposed to behave and dress similarly change is therefore, not only desirable but also welcome. The heroes, heroine of the tinsel world and the fashion models are the trendsetters, who are the role models for our youth. They are the icons around whom the 'fashion' revolves.

                        It has given shape to an entirely new industry, 'The Fashion Industry' it is estimated to be over a thousand crores. No wonder we have today large educational institutions imparting specialised fashion technology courses example NIFT  and other bodies. It has given rise to a plethora of new industries, making it an interesting career option for the youth. Besides generating jobs, it is earning valuable foreign exchange by exporting fashion garments to foreign countries. Thus offering tremendous potential for growth and improvement in our standard of living.

                        However it is the exclusive preserve of the rich and influential people, for they have the means and the resources to indulge in this luxury. This creates a divide among the haves and the have-nots more glaring which at times appears vulgar . It also leads to psychological imbalance for youth, who try to ape their affluent friends. but in the absence of means resort to unlawful and unethical acts. We have seen instances of youngsters taking to crime, just to buy a pair of fashion able shoes.

what is fashion,essay for all students

                         We must therefore , strike a right balance between being fashionable and what is good for us. There is no point in senselessly copying our peers or idols, for what looks good on them, need not look good on us. It may be fashionable in America to wear short dresses but it would be foolhardy to attempt it here. Such a person would stand out as a sore thumb and also be a subject of ridicule.

                      One must, therefore be in fashion, for it adds flavour to our lives. It releases the creative urge in us on  trying out a novelty and improves our lifestyle. We should however, beware of the 'herd' instinct, that impels us to emulate others without considering its suitability to us.  

August 10, 2019


      The dawn of the new millennium has thrown up a plethora of new career opportunities that were hitherto unknown. They have made the task of choosing a career for the youth more confusing and perplexing. The decision at times is fraught with suspense and anxiety and is a vital decision, that has a direct bearing on our lives.


       Fortunately for us, there are vast avenges for getting career information,through newspaper, electronic media and the Internet. There are an equally large number of career options  to choose from. The new millennium shall see major advancement being made in the field of information Technology. The advent of the Internet and associated e-commerce shall offer immense possibilities for trade and industry. This would therefore, require manpower with specialised skills, thus creating enormous employment opportunities for the youth. For instance, the youth would have new carrier options as Web designers, administrators and developers beside software and hardware engineers, programmers and analysts.  

          In Science we have such new fields like biotechnology, Environmental Science, Genetic Engineering, Nuclear medicine and a host of other fields in medicine and health like Acupuncture Magnetic therapy etc These careers in addition to the traditional options of doctor, lawyer engineer and a teacher that would continue to attract talent.

          The host of career opportunities is no cause for despair,for there are some basic cardinal principles that we must bear in mind while exercising our choice. The first foremost being that we must objectively identify our inclination and aptitude, strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes and inborn propensities. Keeping this in mind we should identify the careers that are best suited with respect to our disposition. We should also closely examine the future career prospects that exist for that particular branch of study, by reading and discussing extensively about it. It is very common to find young people, enamoured by the glamour and razzmatazz of a particular profession opting for it. Only to have their dream shattered, on discovering that it does not suit them temperamentally.They thus end up highly dissatisfied and frustrated.


            We should also give due weightage to the views of our parents, friends and peer groups. Our parents and pees can guide us by their experiences. It is important that they render their advice objectively and dispassionately. It has sometimes been observed that the youth takes up a career bowing to the wishes of his parents. Thus we see the son of and eminent doctor, taking to the medical profession, just to please his father. He may become a doctor, but in the absence of aptitude and inclination, he can never achieve his father s eminence.

             The innovative career options in the new millennium are indeed very exciting. Thus a timely decision needs to be taken for as they say 'Well begun is half done' With the right option. we shall work more assiduously for realising our dream. It does not matter if we do not get admision into the best of institutions, what mattes is that after getting the requisite qualification, we excel in the field which is closet to our heart. We must remember the words of H.W Longfellow when he says Life s battle dont always go to the stronger and the fastest man. But soon or late the man who wins is the man who thinks he can.