

Saturday, August 10, 2019


 Introduction--What is fashion.

 Role of fashion in our life.

 Advantage of fashion.

 Disadvantages  of fashion.

 Need to strike the right balance. 

 Conclusion--Adds flavour to our lives.

what is fashion,essay for all students

                   Fashion as described in the English dictionary is "the prevailing mode in such things as are subject to change in form of a style, as in ornaments, etiquette and especially in dress. This age is the age of fashion which is not only confined to our dress, but also in the way we speak behave decorate our houses and our lifestyle in general. So enamoured are we by the Me Too concept that we adopt it, irrespective of whether it goes with out personality or not.

                       In a way it lends variety to our lives, providing and element of excitement in trying out something new. It would indeed be a drab life, if we all were supposed to behave and dress similarly change is therefore, not only desirable but also welcome. The heroes, heroine of the tinsel world and the fashion models are the trendsetters, who are the role models for our youth. They are the icons around whom the 'fashion' revolves.

                        It has given shape to an entirely new industry, 'The Fashion Industry' it is estimated to be over a thousand crores. No wonder we have today large educational institutions imparting specialised fashion technology courses example NIFT  and other bodies. It has given rise to a plethora of new industries, making it an interesting career option for the youth. Besides generating jobs, it is earning valuable foreign exchange by exporting fashion garments to foreign countries. Thus offering tremendous potential for growth and improvement in our standard of living.

                        However it is the exclusive preserve of the rich and influential people, for they have the means and the resources to indulge in this luxury. This creates a divide among the haves and the have-nots more glaring which at times appears vulgar . It also leads to psychological imbalance for youth, who try to ape their affluent friends. but in the absence of means resort to unlawful and unethical acts. We have seen instances of youngsters taking to crime, just to buy a pair of fashion able shoes.

what is fashion,essay for all students

                         We must therefore , strike a right balance between being fashionable and what is good for us. There is no point in senselessly copying our peers or idols, for what looks good on them, need not look good on us. It may be fashionable in America to wear short dresses but it would be foolhardy to attempt it here. Such a person would stand out as a sore thumb and also be a subject of ridicule.

                      One must, therefore be in fashion, for it adds flavour to our lives. It releases the creative urge in us on  trying out a novelty and improves our lifestyle. We should however, beware of the 'herd' instinct, that impels us to emulate others without considering its suitability to us.  


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